'They kept saying it was just bad luck': Keira Rumble's pregnancy pain turns to joy
By Maddison Leach|
The first time Keira Rumble, 30, spoke openly about pregnancy loss, she was lying on the floor of her office after a heartbreaking heterotopic pregnancy.
A rare dual pregnancy, one embryo had miscarried in Keira's uterus and the second had become ectopic.
It wasn't her first loss, having already gone through multiple miscarriages, but the heartbreak pushed Keira to speak about her pregnancy struggle for the first time.
"My boyfriend came running down the stairs and said, 'Oh my god, what have you done, why have you spoken about this?'" she tells 9Honey.
But Keira was sure she couldn't be the only woman suffering in silence, so she kept the post up. It turns out she was right.
"He sat there with me reading the thousands of messages coming through from women saying, 'thank you so much for speaking about this, I'm going through the same thing'."
Flooded with messages of love and support from other women battling pregnancy loss, Keira made the brave decision to go public with her fertility journey, a decision she stuck by through more devastating losses.
Women flocked to her Instagram page to share their pain, telling her their stories as they went through similar experiences.
"It breaks my heart and I get teary with every single message I read, but it's such a common thing, and there's so much heartbreak and silence about it," Keira says.
Through social media, Keira built a network of women who supported each other through the darkest days of their fertility battles.
Now, those same women are rallying around her as she finally celebrates the joyful news she's been chasing for over three years; Keira is pregnant.
Admitting she was "very emotional" when she found out, Keira says the pregnancy does feel "slightly different" because she conceived through IVF.
"There's a lot of anxiety that goes along with it for someone who has had multiple losses, so it didn't really sink in that this was really going to be happening until about 10 weeks," she says.
"I always knew I was going to be a mum. I'm very stubborn, very determined, and I just kept searching for answers."
Prior to her current pregnancy, Keira suffered three years of miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy, but was left totally in the dark about why she couldn't carry a child to term.
Though she asked doctors and multiple fertility specialists for help, Keira was left without answers.
"They kept on saying it was just bad luck, or 'we have no idea why you're not falling pregnant'," she recalls.
When she experienced her ectopic pregnancy, she knew something was off from the start, but no one would take her seriously.
"I was misdiagnosed, told to go get psychological helpกญ the medical world has a long way to go with treating miscarriages as traumatic," Keira says.
"I was misdiagnosed, told to go get psychological help."
Finally, she was diagnosed with endometriosis and told that was the reason she kept losing pregnancies, so she underwent surgery to address the illness. Then she miscarried again.
Convinced her endometriosis wasn't to blame, Keira again demanded to be tested for "everything" but was told doctors had already done every test available.
It wasn't until she went to yet another fertility specialist that she learned that wasn't the case.
There, she was finally diagnosed with a blood clotting condition called Factor V Leiden, which has been linked to pregnancy loss and stillbirth. Her specialist said it was likely the cause of her miscarriages.
"When I got the callกญ I broke down in tears. I was happy, but I was also so frustrated that it had taken nearly two years to be diagnosed when I'd been asking for all of the tests," she says.
The condition is manageable with blood thinner injections and careful monitoring, but Keira admits she was overwhelmed with resentment that no one else had tested her for the condition before.
"I could have hopefully avoided multiple losses, but you knowกญ it is what it is," she says.
It took multiple miscarriages for her to finally be tested for Factor V Leiden, but Keira is adamant that women should have access to more extensive testing after even one pregnancy loss.
But even after her diagnosis, having a baby wasn't as simple as many people make it out to be.
Admitting there has always been a sense of shame and stigma around not being able to conceive naturally, Keira says she convinced herself for years that she "didn't need" IVF.
"I knew deep down that I needed to do IVF, and after our sixth loss I had to pull myself together and do something about it," she says.
Still, it wasn't until she visited her fourth fertility specialist and saw how many other women were in the waiting room จC women just like her จC that she truly accepted IVF was the best path for her.
Once she'd had that realisation, Keira says it was an easy decision; "I knew I needed to get that help, or I was going to go through heartbreak after heartbreak."
It didn't stop her from being anxious the first time she entered a fertility clinic, or worrying about all the unknowns of IVF, but over time she's embraced the learning process.
"I'm still scared s---less that something bad is going to happen."
She went into her first round confident but "not expecting much", having known other women who didn't fall pregnant until their tenth round.
It was an emotional and stressful process, with "a lot of hiccups and hurdles to get through", but she was thrilled to discover it had worked. She is going to have a baby.
Though it's been a long journey, she is "at peace" with it and says all of it "happened for a reason", adding that she's now in the right headspace to become a mum.
And she's well on her way to doing that, entering her second trimester with plenty of hope for the future.
"I'm still scared s---less that something bad is going to happen, but as it gets on I'm feeling a lot more confident," she says.
On Sunday, she hosted her gender reveal and shared the happy news with family and friends, then her followers on social media: she's having a baby boy.
With the little one due in July, Keira จC who is the Founder of Krumbled Foods จC will have a lot on her plate, but says she knows she can handle the juggle. With a bit of time off first, of course.
Laughing over the phone, the mum-to-be adds: "I have a lot to get done before bub arrives, but I'm really looking forward to it."