4 ways to encourage your child to eat healthy food
By Josephine Parsons | Presented by Kellogg's? Nutri-Grain?|
Grating a zuchinni into bolognaise. Baking a cookie with cauliflower. If your fussy eater is refusing to eat veggies, why not get creative?
We asked Inna Merkin, qualified nutritionist and owner of Innamehealth, what she thinks of this tactic. She acknowledges the appeal จC as a mother of a fussy eater herself, Merkin wholly relates to the feeling of wanting to "pull your hair out" when your kid won't eat their food.
Sneaky vegetables, however, are a no-no in her opinion.
"I don't believe in doing that," Merkin says. "I think if you hide it, then they're not really knowing what they're eating so they're not really exposed to it."
And exposure to different types of foods is the most important thing in turning fussy eating around. "They will eat veggies eventually, I promise you," Merkin reassures. But trying to trick them into it might have the opposite intention.
Instead, Merkin advises to try the following four hacks.
Teach kids about the different forms foods can take
Rather than sneaking one food into another behind their back, Merkin suggests bringing your kids into the process. Show them how diverse each type of food can be.
Pumpkins, for example, can be cooked into delicious chocolate brownies. You and your little one can spend an afternoon baking them together. Carrots can be cut into shapes, or cooked and squashed into a puree. Sweet potatoes can be sliced and put in the airfryer to become chips.
Nutri-Grain as well, can be a dry snack or a cereal. Merkin says it's also "amazing" in a smoothie. "Put milk, Nutri-Grain, a bit of chia seeds and a banana," she says. "Yum!"
Foods are versatile จC and that doesn't need to be a secret.
Serve dessert alongside the meal, not after it
While we tend to reserve dessert for after dinner, Merkin says this can unwittingly put it on a pedestal as a "forbidden fruit". If it's normalised as part of a meal, it levels the appeal.
To try this strategy, Merkin says to get a plate and build it with their preferred foods. "Pasta, potato, nuggets, schnitzel, whatever it is that they actually love to eat has to be on that plate," she says.
"Then choose three things that you've served everybody else and put that on their plate too." Here is where you also add a 'dessert' food such as a cookie.
And while yes, for the first few times you try this, your picky eater might only eat the cookie and nothing else. But eventually, they'll start to recognise all the foods on their plate as "normal" and be more open to eating them. It becomes their choice.
This is important because Merkin says kids crave control. "They want to be able to say, 'I want to eat it. Not because you're telling me to eat it, but because I want to eat it'."
Play taste testing
Merkin says she loves playing a "taste testing" game with her kids. "I get a little muffin tray and I will put in a whole pile of foods that I want them to try, plus stuff they like," Merkin explains.
Crunchy vegetables like capsicum, cucumber and carrot work really well to start with, along with chocolate and potato chips. "They have to close their eyes and then they try to tell me what it is," she says.
The reason this is so effective, Merkin says, is that it encourages curiosity and familiarity with foods outside of mealtimes. "That takes away the pressure from it being part of the main meal. It's separate and it exposes them to new foods," she says.
Understand that change takes time
"The most important thing I always say to all my parents is be patient," Merkin says.
Focus on exposure and consistency จC "consistency, consistency, consistency!" จC and eventually your child will naturally start to embrace new foods.
And to the parents in the trenches, Merkin says she sees you. "It's heartbreakingกญ When you work so hard and you try so hard to give them good nutritious meals, and all you want is the best for your child," she says.
But her once-fussy eater has turned a corner and now eats "everything", so she knows these strategies work. "You would never think that my son went from eating about three things," she says.
"The number one thing is to be patient. Keep it simple. And remember that you're not alone."
With its great taste and endless versatility, Nutri-Grain? is a winning food for kids จC no matter their preferences. Try it for yourself.