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The right start for vulnerable children

By Staff Writer | Presented by World Vision|


The first three years of any child's life are both precious and pivotal. The physical, emotional and nutritional nurturing they receive from conception to the age of two are the foundations for their lifelong health and wellbeing.

Making sure we're getting it right can sometimes be an anxious time, even for parents living in well-resourced communities with houses and hospitals, as most of us do in Australia.

When World Vision Australia Ambassador Program Manager Sarah Bastian visited Uganda in 2019, she saw up close the challenges families face in villages there, as well as how Australian child sponsors are making a difference by funding community-based health programs.

An experience of a lifetime

Sarah was travelling with Australian actress and model Jessica Gomes, a World Vision goodwill ambassador since 2014 and sponsor of a little Ugandan girl named Loy.

"We were invited into the medical centre that World Vision had built in the community," says Sarah. "Before the centre was completed, women gave birth at home, usually without access to clean running water, and if anything went wrong, there was no medical support, so the mortality rate among mothers and babies was distressingly high. Thankfully, having the medical centre has changed that."

When Sarah and Jessica walked through the village's medical centre, they went into one room, "and there were several women lying on beds, quietly resting", she says.

One woman gently raised her blanket to show the visiting Australians that lying beside her was her newborn baby. "I looked around and all of the women had their newborn babies sleeping next to them," says Sarah.

"It turned out we were in the recovery room, and these babies had been born safely in the medical centre with fresh, clean running water, and doctors and nurses to help them," she says. "Over the two hours we were there, eight babies were born."

All babies are helpless; newborns in such villages are more vulnerable than most. World Vision works with the communities to improve education around hygiene, breastfeeding and nutrition, supporting mothers to give their infants the best possible start in life.

"It's important to make sure our programs are community-led and aware of cultural sensitivities," explains Sarah.

Offering babies a fighting chance

In the Ugandan villages they visited, there was a social stigma around breastfeeding. "World Vision organised a breastfeeding mothers' group and one of the local women ran it."

"Another way we help spread the word is working with a few mothers to show them breastfeeding techniques and help build their confidence," explains Sarah.

"Then they talk to other mothers and say, 'Look how chubby my baby is now, don't give your baby water, try breastfeeding instead.' In Australia, if we're unsure about these things, we just Google it, but in these villages that's not possible, so that word-of-mouth education is really powerful."

Posters in the clinic remind women to attend antenatal checkups at least four times through their pregnancies. This makes sure their growing baby can be monitored by medical staff for any potential complications, as well as receiving information on nutrition and iron and folic acid supplements, all essential maternal healthcare that we take for granted.

World Vision estimates that fewer than 40 per cent of babies in the developing world are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of their lives, as is recommended by the World Health Organisation. If women are supported to do this, 1 million infant lives could be saved annually.

Making a difference

"Before World Vision started working with the community, babies there were really underweight," says Sarah. "Often a lack of water is the issue จC it's seen as a waste to use water on a vegetable garden. We help get water into these communities and go from there. Now they have this wonderful kitchen garden."

In contrast, Sarah and Jessica were staying in a Ugandan city where World Vision wasn't active and came across a mother by the roadside.

"She had collected bits of burnt coal to sell, and that was how she was making an income to feed her little girl," says Sarah. "She had a small pile of coal and her toddler on her lap."

The young mother was doing her best to look after her child, but to Sarah, it illustrated the difference that people can make by sponsoring a child through World Vision. For every child sponsored, four more benefit from improvements to essentials like nutrition and healthcare in their community.

"We work in lots of different ways to help mothers with newborns and through those first 1000 days, to give them hope for the future," says Sarah.

"It might be a loan to help them start a small business, and also by growing their own food, they not only give their children a better start, but the mothers themselves are receiving the nutrition they need to breastfeed. Possibly they don't even need quite as much money as they have to buy less food. It's a stark difference."

The COVID-19 pandemic hit after Sarah and Jessica's visit to Uganda. Back in Australia, Sarah says it brought home to her the need to think globally and support vulnerable communities.

"We need to make sure everyone is vaccinated against COVID," she says. "Supporting that to happen in all countries is going to help Australia, too, as variants pop up in countries where the vaccination rates are low."

Sarah says she felt "very privileged" to visit the Ugandan villages. "It's so special spending time with those communities and seeing how hard they've worked to give their children a better start than they had themselves."

Sponsoring a child this Christmas means life-changing healthcare for children who need it most. Sponsor a child today.