Jade's daughter died before she ever got to hold her. Everyone acts like she never existed
By Maddison Leach|
When Jade Redmond held her daughter for the first time, baby Harper wasn't breathing. Her hands didn't move, and she never opened her eyes.
"She was so perfect, you would never have known anything was wrong with her. She was just like a miniature baby," the devastated mum tells 9Honey Parenting.
"I couldn't save her."
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Jade is one of the almost 150,000 women who experience the heartbreak of losing a baby during pregnancy every year in Australia.?
She and husband Craig decided to start a family in late 2019 and endured eight months of disappointment before finally conceiving, only to learn it was an ectopic pregnancy.
An ultrasound revealed that the fertilised egg had implanted in Jade's left fallopian tube, which could cause life threatening complications.
The couple raced to the Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick, where Jade's fallopian tube burst and doctors had to perform emergency surgery to remove it and the pregnancy.
"When I woke up to the news that I was no longer pregnant and down a fallopian tube, it just felt so catastrophic," she says. "I thought, 'I'm never going to fall pregnant again.'"
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After taking time to mourn, she and Craig started trying again and learned they were expecting just four months later.?
After such a traumatic experience with her first pregnancy, Jade was understandably anxious but relaxed a bit when scans confirmed everything looked normal.
"I had an early anatomy scan at 13 weeks where everything apparently looked fine. I really let my guard down," Jade says.
"I announced it on social media that we were pregnant, we found out it was a little girl, we did a gender reveal. I had this period of six weeks where I thought everything was great."
Tragically, it didn't last.
"It was at my 19 week morphology scan that our entire world as we knew it fell apart and changed forever. I didn't even take my partner to that scan, I was so na?ve," Jade says.
Despite her initial fears, she didn't suspect a thing when the scan dragged on and sonographers couldn't get a good image. They sent her for a walk before trying again.
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Three hours later, Jade was just laying down for the second scan when a senior sonographer walked in, sat down beside her and put a hand on her leg.
"That's never a good sign. That's when the room started spinning," Jade says.?
"Her words to me were something like, 'there is something really abnormal about your baby's brain. We don't know what it means yet.'"
It took four agonising days for Jade to get into hospital to see a specialist who explained her unborn child either had a large cyst in her skull, or part of her brain wasn't growing.
The panicked mum-to-be would need to wait four weeks, then have an MRI when the baby had grown a bit more to learn how serious the issue was.
"Those four weeks, I don't really have words for it," Jade says. "It's like a living hell, the uncertainty of feeling your baby growing inside you and not knowing if they're OK."
Genetic tests came back clear, but while waiting for the MRI Jade and Craig discussed what they would do if their daughter had a life-limiting health issue.
It was a devastating conversation, but one they knew they had to have.
After a long wait, Jade had the MRI and returned to hospital for results a week later. As soon as she arrived, she knew the problem was worse than they had anticipated.
"I saw the genetic doctor sitting there with six other people and I thought, 'this is not good,'" she says.?
"I turned to the genetic doctor and I said, 'it's really bad, isn't it?' He just looked at me with this sort of despair in his eyes and nodded."
"It's like a living hell, the uncertainty."
Jade's unborn daughter had an extremely rare genetic disorder that affects the part of the brain that controls motor function, which would massively limit her quality of life.
Multiple specialists had come to the conclusion that their little girl would probably never be able to breathe independently, walk or communicate.
"That is not the life that I would want for anyone, let alone my child," Jade says.
Heartbroken, she and Craig decided to undergo a termination for medical reasons with the full support of their medical team. Jade calls it a "compassionate induction".
"You become overwhelmed with fears like, 'What will my baby look like? Can I survive this? Do I want to hold her?' All these things you should never have to think about," Jade says.
In 2021, the devastated mum took a pill to stop her daughter's heart. She went to hospital and was induced, then delivered her first child on May 22..
Harper's heart wasn't beating when she came into the world, but she was the most beautiful, perfect little girl Jade and Craig had ever seen. She was so, so loved.
For two days, the couple remained in hospital making memories with their tiny daughter. Then they went home to an empty nursery and the grief really hit.
"I remember calling family members and saying I just wanted to die," Jade says.
"It's not that I was suicidal, it's just that the pain in my body was so enormous I didn't know how I could survive it."
Grief took a huge toll on Jade and Craig, who felt like only their closest loved ones were willing to talk about what they'd lost.
The rest of the world seemed to act like their daughter had never even existed, when all they wanted was to talk about her perfect little girl and keep her memory alive.
That feeling of total isolation is a common experience for bereaved parents.
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"When you've lost a baby, you really feel like you're living on another planet for a long time," Jade says.
"People don't realise that you live with it [grief] every day. Bringing it up or talking about it is not going to upset me or remind me, because I never forget."
To process her grief, Jade started an Instagram account where she posted honestly about losing Harper, her experiences as a bereaved parent and keeping Harper's memory alive.
It helped her connect to a community of other mums and dads who had experienced loss and helped Jade move forward, though she knows the pain will never truly fade.?
"Your grief doesn't lessen, you just learn to grow around it. But going back to those moments in my mind, the pain will never go away," she says.
In 2022, she and Craig learned they were expecting again and despite intense anxieties, everything went smoothly and their 'rainbow baby' River arrived totally healthy.
Welcoming a living child dredged up some complicated emotions for Jade, but she's convinced that Harper sent River to them. Even so, she'll never stop missing her firstborn.
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Sunday, October 15 marks Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day and organisations like Pink Elephants are pushing for more support for bereaved parents.
It is the only national service providing specific support to women who experience pregnancy loss prior to 20 weeks, but receives no ongoing state or federal government funding.
That limits the organisation's ability to help grieving parents, which is why it's calling for a $1.6million government investment in honour of Miscarriage Awareness month (October).
Jade wants to see more funding for support services, as well as more education for and compassion from everyday Aussies when it comes to losing a child.
"It actually helped me at the time to talk about Harper have people ask about her กญ don't turn a blind eye because it's hard," she says.
"Ask the question, 'How can I support you? What do you need? Do you want to talk about it?' Don't make the assumption that they don't really talk about it."
To support Pink Elephants, sign the petition here or contact your local MP by clicking here. Aussies can also donate here.
If you or someone you know is struggling after being affected by pregnancy loss, ?contact Pink Elephants or SANDS Australia (1300 072 637) for support and information.