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Dr Katrina Warren's top tips for keeping rabbits as household pets

By Katrina Warren|

Rabbits are often portrayed as low-maintenance pets, but that's not the case.

Most vets aren't experts in rabbits, an animal that has their own specific requirements, so it's important you find an exotic vet that specialises in rabbits before you get one.

While they are generally a cheaper pet to boy and set up, if they have health issues, then it can become quite expensive going to the specialist. Their food can also be expensive.

Here's what you need to know about taking care of pet rabbits.

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Rabbits can be a wonderful addition to the family, when the process is done right. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Six quick facts to know about pet rabbits

  • They are not legal everywhere in Australia: It is illegal to keep rabbits as a domestic pet in Queensland.
  • Life span: They generally live for between five to eight years, depending on the breed and their environment. But some can love for as long as 12 to 15 years.
  • Do not make carrots their main source of food: Rabbits don't naturally eat root vegetables or fruit, and because carrots and fruit are high in sugar, rabbits should only be fed small amounts. Similarly, iceberg lettuce has too much water in it for rabbits and not enough nutrients, and don't feed them avocados, tomato leaves or potatoes.
  • Desex them: It is recommended that both male and female rabbits are desexed to prevent unwanted litters. Desexing rabbits also offers behavioural benefits such as reduced marking, spraying, and a decreased risk of aggression towards other rabbits and people. An undesexed male may also emit a strong smell during mating season.
  • Rabbits need companionship and should not be left on their own: People think rabbits are great pets for kids, but they're actually social creatures and they get really lonely if they're on their own. It's important the rabbit is living in an enriched environment, and that the best combination is a desexed male and desexed female, and they'll have a stronger bond if they're family. Same-sex combinations will often fight.
  • They don't love cuddles: Despite being social creatures, because they are prey animals, and it's important to know they don't like being picked up, because they want to be able to run away and having their feet off the ground is quite scary for them. Instead, pat or scratch their head or back while their feet are on the floor. Rabbits can bite and kick when they are unhappy or scared.

Common misconceptions about pet rabbits

  • They are always small: It depends on the breed, and there's a lot of difference between breeds. Netherland Dwarfs, one of the smaller breeds, weigh less than two kilograms, while some other breeds can weigh up to nine kilograms. Most rabbits, however, fall in the middle of this range.
  • They don't have personalities: Rabbits are like humans, they're full of personality and each one has their own unique and special characteristics, whether it's the fact that they're shy, confident or sassy.
  • They can't be trained: Untrue! They can, and if you adopt a rabbit from a rescue, it's likely they would have already been toilet trained, meaning they can use a litter tray. They're quite intelligent creatures, and be trained to do a variety of things, such as responding to their name or doing a trick.

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Rabbits are social animals, and flourish when they have a companion. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

How to look after rabbits as a family pet

Rabbits can make lovely pets for families with older children, and, like a dog or a cat, they have specific needs that must be met so they can live a happy, healthy life.

Where they live and maintaining a rabbit's home

If they're going to be an outdoor rabbit, they need a secure hutch to sleep in, and it should be attacked to a space that allows them to run and exercise ¨C the bigger the space, the better. They should also have a daily time outside of their enclosure to be able to exhibit natural behaviours, but they must be protected against predators at all times.

It is vital the hutch is predator-proof, and protects them from the elements, as well as having netting to protect the rabbit from flies and mosquitoes ¨C rabbits can catch Myxomatosis, a fatal mosquito-borne disease.

It is much more safe for a rabbit if they are kept indoors and raised as an indoor pet, and, like a dog or a cat, they enjoy being a part of the family. One thing to note, however, is the fact that they love to chew ¨C so rabbit-proofing your house is a must, ensuring they can't access electrical cables or dangerous household items like poisons.

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You should remove faeces and soiled bedding from their hutch daily regardless of if they are kept indoors or outdoors, and clean their entire hutch thoroughly once a week.

Rabbits actually poo a lot ¨C around 200 pellets a day ¨C but thankfully the pellets don't smell, and they can be trained to use a litter box. Keep in mind, a healthy rabbit should not smell because they do keep themselves clean, but their urine can smell so regularly cleaning the litter box is key.

Although rabbits are fastidiously clean naturally and it is not necessary to bathe them generally unless they have a medical condition, they do need to be brushed regularly to prevent them from ingesting loose hair. They have fragile skin, so use a gentle brush.

How to feed and water rabbits

Rabbits graze throughout the day, and they're herbivores ¨C so be sure to provide a constant supply of hay and grass for them to chew on, which should be around 80 per cent of their diet. Chewing on hay also helps rabbits keep their teeth worn down, as their teeth grow throughout their whole lives.

Each day, however, they should also get some fresh leafy greens and some high-quality commercial rabbit pellets ¨C but avoid iceberg lettuce.

Rabbits must always have access to fresh water, and a medium-sized rabbit will generally drink between 50 to 300 millilitres of water a day, depending on their diet and the temperature.

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Avoid picking them up, always make sure their feet are on the ground. (Getty)

What to know about rabbits' medical requirements

Rabbits need an annual vaccination to protect them against rabbit haemorrhagic disease, which was previously known as rabbit calicivirus. At these checkups, you can also have their vet check their teeth.

Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits don't require routine intestinal worming, but they can be affected by external parasites such as fleas, ear mites and fur mites.

A rabbit's ears are sensitive, so it's important not to pick them up by their ears or poke anything inside. It is also important, however, to regularly check their ears to ensure they're clean and not irritated ¨C if a rabbit is scratching at their ears, they might have ear mites.

Rabbits and children

Rabbits are more suited for families with older children, and these children need to be taught that rabbits should not be handled constantly as they equate a safe home with a quiet one.

Some smaller rabbit breeds, such as the Netherlands Dwarf, Mini Lop, Mini Rex and the larger Rex, are not recommended to families with young children, as these breeds are usually highly-strung.

The Cashmere Lop, Dwarf Lop and Dutch rabbit are ideal for children aged seven and up, but it's always important to choose the right rabbit based on their temperament, and whether they are comfortable with children.

One way to get the rabbit to view the child as a positive thing is by involving them in their daily feeding routine.

Basic checklist for a rabbit

  • Hutch
  • Bedding
  • Litter tray
  • Food and water bowls
  • Small pet carrier for transportation and vet visits
  • Microchip
  • Desexing
  • Vaccinations

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